Bean family letters, 1868-1898
1869-09-25 Page 03
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$.50 (fifty cents) for cooking and the steward 12 1/2 cents a week for bying the provision bring the expense of provision $1.36 1/2 (one dollar and thirty six and a half cents) for provision which is certainly cheap. Now the question, do we live cheaper at home than we would here. You may send one of those bound blank books the one or two most appropriat to coppy my history notes in by Master Webster when he comes here to school. Professor Adams lectures nearly an hour every day and we are required to coppy the notes taken and present them the last of the semester for examination. These notes must consist of every word that the Professor utters. I think there was three of them and that they were in my room in the box under the desk. Ann Arbor is a very pretty place it is in a very pretty part of the stat and populated by a good grad of people. I hope John will come here and see me when he [goes] home I wrote to have him I think their will be objects of interest to him here
$.50 (fifty cents) for cooking and the steward 12 1/2 cents a week for bying the provision bring the expense of provision $1.36 1/2 (one dollar and thirty six and a half cents) for provision which is certainly cheap. Now the question, do we live cheaper at home than we would here. You may send one of those bound blank books the one or two most appropriat to coppy my history notes in by Master Webster when he comes here to school. Professor Adams lectures nearly an hour every day and we are required to coppy the notes taken and present them the last of the semester for examination. These notes must consist of every word that the Professor utters. I think there was three of them and that they were in my room in the box under the desk. Ann Arbor is a very pretty place it is in a very pretty part of the stat and populated by a good grad of people. I hope John will come here and see me when he [goes] home I wrote to have him I think their will be objects of interest to him here
Civil War Diaries and Letters