Bean family letters, 1868-1898
1869-10-02 Page 09
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9 thing happened that has made all Conneauters wonder. Has Milo Viner grown energetic? Has Mr. Andrews comed his hair? Has Bill Dibble stoped smoking? Has Will Hubbard lost his conceit? Mother you asked me what I thought of giving Walt a warranty deed. Now Mother I do not sufficiently understand the nature of the transfers to be a competent jutge but as I do understand it seems that we could not consistantly give it. If we should grant it and then have to stand the consequences if there should be a flaw in the transfers I think it would be unwise for us to do it. I will abide by the decision of Yourself & John no matter which way you decide for it is not likely that there is not any flaw in the arrangment at all. I am will and am doing well
9 thing happened that has made all Conneauters wonder. Has Milo Viner grown energetic? Has Mr. Andrews comed his hair? Has Bill Dibble stoped smoking? Has Will Hubbard lost his conceit? Mother you asked me what I thought of giving Walt a warranty deed. Now Mother I do not sufficiently understand the nature of the transfers to be a competent jutge but as I do understand it seems that we could not consistantly give it. If we should grant it and then have to stand the consequences if there should be a flaw in the transfers I think it would be unwise for us to do it. I will abide by the decision of Yourself & John no matter which way you decide for it is not likely that there is not any flaw in the arrangment at all. I am will and am doing well
Civil War Diaries and Letters