Bean family letters, 1868-1898
1870-04-29 Page 04
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more than a doz. to each speaker. And the first one so forgot himself as to stoop to pick up one. But the greatest excitement was caused by the tossing of a white shang rooster, from one of the side galleries; and it reached the foot stage in safety where its brethren were seated but one of them larger and stronger than he, unceremoniously carried him out; though not till after he had caused considerable excitement and the exercise of a large amount of engineering skill by the Soph in capturing him. This was all done for sport and was received as such by "72" but I [think] that it will not be noticed by the faculty. [At head of sheet, upside-down]: It is after twelve and I will write som more to add in a day or two.
more than a doz. to each speaker. And the first one so forgot himself as to stoop to pick up one. But the greatest excitement was caused by the tossing of a white shang rooster, from one of the side galleries; and it reached the foot stage in safety where its brethren were seated but one of them larger and stronger than he, unceremoniously carried him out; though not till after he had caused considerable excitement and the exercise of a large amount of engineering skill by the Soph in capturing him. This was all done for sport and was received as such by "72" but I [think] that it will not be noticed by the faculty. [At head of sheet, upside-down]: It is after twelve and I will write som more to add in a day or two.
Civil War Diaries and Letters