Bean family letters, 1868-1898
1882-01-30 Page 04
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in an L of a house occupied by Ruphas McKinney on Balus Bates Ranch all fenced in 20 miles of fence - Mr & Mrs McKinney are the kindest people in the land & I have every attention necessary they let me have, milk cream, eggs, at market price when I need a between meal stimulant - This ranch is in the Commanche Ditch Settlement 26 miles south of Uvalde on the Leona Creek a clear swift stream Love to Mary, Lizzie, & John - [? Let Jennie?] [At head of letter, upside-down]: Good Bye Much Love Your Boy Jim
in an L of a house occupied by Ruphas McKinney on Balus Bates Ranch all fenced in 20 miles of fence - Mr & Mrs McKinney are the kindest people in the land & I have every attention necessary they let me have, milk cream, eggs, at market price when I need a between meal stimulant - This ranch is in the Commanche Ditch Settlement 26 miles south of Uvalde on the Leona Creek a clear swift stream Love to Mary, Lizzie, & John - [? Let Jennie?] [At head of letter, upside-down]: Good Bye Much Love Your Boy Jim
Civil War Diaries and Letters