Bean family letters, 1868-1898
1887-08-26 Page 01
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Avondale Aug 26 - 87 J. V. Bean M.D. Fairfield Iowa My Dear Cousin Our oldest child is a charming little daughter four days old. Willie and the "little cherub" are doing nicely. We have a good nurse and & Sister Belle is here also Mrs. Potter & others whenever we want them I intended surprising you with a daily paper containing notice but all were gone next day before I got a chance at them. Many thanks to you & yors for kind words
Avondale Aug 26 - 87 J. V. Bean M.D. Fairfield Iowa My Dear Cousin Our oldest child is a charming little daughter four days old. Willie and the "little cherub" are doing nicely. We have a good nurse and & Sister Belle is here also Mrs. Potter & others whenever we want them I intended surprising you with a daily paper containing notice but all were gone next day before I got a chance at them. Many thanks to you & yors for kind words
Civil War Diaries and Letters