Henry Brockway diary, 1864
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April, THURSDAY 21, 1864 Helped Kirk to day. Co drill in AM and Bat drill in P.M. Col Lincoln called those left in camp together and what were not examined by the Surgeon he obliged to drill. Weather warm and pleasant. FRIDAY 22. Warm and pleasant the forepart of the day. Went on picket to-night about a mile from camp and west of Martinsburg. Co drill in AM and no drill in PM on account of clothing being issued. SATURDAY 23. Came off picket this morning. weather very warm and pleasant. No drill for the old soldiers to day because the camp being polised by the regiment. Came across Mr Bliss of Co J while having my devotions and had a good time
April, THURSDAY 21, 1864 Helped Kirk to day. Co drill in AM and Bat drill in P.M. Col Lincoln called those left in camp together and what were not examined by the Surgeon he obliged to drill. Weather warm and pleasant. FRIDAY 22. Warm and pleasant the forepart of the day. Went on picket to-night about a mile from camp and west of Martinsburg. Co drill in AM and no drill in PM on account of clothing being issued. SATURDAY 23. Came off picket this morning. weather very warm and pleasant. No drill for the old soldiers to day because the camp being polised by the regiment. Came across Mr Bliss of Co J while having my devotions and had a good time
Civil War Diaries and Letters