Oliver Boardman correspondence and journals, 1861-1863
01_1863-01-12 Page 01
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Grand Junction Tenn Jan 12th 1863 Dear Sister I received two letters this morning, one was from you the other from Henry, yours was written Nov 30th.. Henry's Dec 14th.. they were a good while finding me but I dont know that I ever got letters that was more acceptable. they were the first I had got since we left Mamphis except one that I got from Lucy Hawley when we were at Holly Springs. there has only two mails came to the Regt since we left Memphis. one while we were at Holly Springs the other since we came here the last and only letter that I have written since leaving Memphis was to father while we were encamped on the yocnapatulfa river we were then expecting to go on south. but from some cause or other, unknown to us we went the other way it may be that the raid the rebels made at Holly Springs while we were at yockna frustrated the old generals plans. at any rate whatever was the cause we only staid there afew days. then pulled stakes and moved north again the first two days after we started back we marched hard marching twenty miles aday since that we have been coming very moderate. we staid about aweek at the rebel fortifications on the Tallehatchie river about five miles north of Abbyville & about fifteen miles south of Holly Springs. we passed our Christmas there though it was nothing to brag of we were not living very high just then our supplies being cut off. but I can safely say I never saw as warm a Christmas. We staid about ten days at Holly Springs. New years hapened while we were there, though theres nothing remarkable about that, only that it was the begining of anew year with no better prospect of peace than there was a year ago at that time it was also the last of slavery according to the proclamation. Holly Springs is not the place it was fourth of july it has been badly used since then there has been too many soldiers there. but the shrubery is there yet and look as green and nice as it did fourth of july but there has been a good many of the houses burned since then. this last raid the rebels made they burned all the best part of town. to say nothing about the government stores. I dont suppose they destroyed
Grand Junction Tenn Jan 12th 1863 Dear Sister I received two letters this morning, one was from you the other from Henry, yours was written Nov 30th.. Henry's Dec 14th.. they were a good while finding me but I dont know that I ever got letters that was more acceptable. they were the first I had got since we left Mamphis except one that I got from Lucy Hawley when we were at Holly Springs. there has only two mails came to the Regt since we left Memphis. one while we were at Holly Springs the other since we came here the last and only letter that I have written since leaving Memphis was to father while we were encamped on the yocnapatulfa river we were then expecting to go on south. but from some cause or other, unknown to us we went the other way it may be that the raid the rebels made at Holly Springs while we were at yockna frustrated the old generals plans. at any rate whatever was the cause we only staid there afew days. then pulled stakes and moved north again the first two days after we started back we marched hard marching twenty miles aday since that we have been coming very moderate. we staid about aweek at the rebel fortifications on the Tallehatchie river about five miles north of Abbyville & about fifteen miles south of Holly Springs. we passed our Christmas there though it was nothing to brag of we were not living very high just then our supplies being cut off. but I can safely say I never saw as warm a Christmas. We staid about ten days at Holly Springs. New years hapened while we were there, though theres nothing remarkable about that, only that it was the begining of anew year with no better prospect of peace than there was a year ago at that time it was also the last of slavery according to the proclamation. Holly Springs is not the place it was fourth of july it has been badly used since then there has been too many soldiers there. but the shrubery is there yet and look as green and nice as it did fourth of july but there has been a good many of the houses burned since then. this last raid the rebels made they burned all the best part of town. to say nothing about the government stores. I dont suppose they destroyed
Civil War Diaries and Letters