Anson R. Butler letters, 1861-1900
1862-09-05 Page 1
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Camp Kirkwood Sep 5 '62 Dear Wife, Last night was a hard one for the Guard. But you know I don't have to do that duty. They came in at 3 o'clock wet through. I got up & made them all undress & got others out of their bunks for them to take their places till morning. Those turned out of bunks sat up the rest of the rest of the time. The guard boys [...?] up again to stand 2 hours more in the rain. The guard consists of from 8 to 10 men of Each Company, who are on guard 24 hours, 2 hours on & 4 off alternately. This 24 hours, 4 men are sick. I am well, stand it first rate so far have no cold, or cough
Camp Kirkwood Sep 5 '62 Dear Wife, Last night was a hard one for the Guard. But you know I don't have to do that duty. They came in at 3 o'clock wet through. I got up & made them all undress & got others out of their bunks for them to take their places till morning. Those turned out of bunks sat up the rest of the rest of the time. The guard boys [...?] up again to stand 2 hours more in the rain. The guard consists of from 8 to 10 men of Each Company, who are on guard 24 hours, 2 hours on & 4 off alternately. This 24 hours, 4 men are sick. I am well, stand it first rate so far have no cold, or cough
Civil War Diaries and Letters