Anson R. Butler letters, 1861-1900
1863-08-03 Page 1
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I am not in a position to get hold of such things as you mention to bring or send home, unless I buy them but I'll try & bring something & if I don't will get something afterwards. Floating Hospital Nashville Aug 3rd '63 Dear Wife I have anxiously waited for another letter long enough to begin one now "wherr or no". I am better than when I wrote last, though not quite well yet. Diarrhoea troubles me and piles with it to some extent. we have very warm weather. Scarcely any rain Still nights are cool. We have fresh vegetables to eat all the time of almost all kinds. Not now very full of sick as we sent off a load the other day up river, & there has so many gone now that we shall not be much hurried in future. There has died since I came on board 400 persons and yet I'm alive. Out of the original officers on the boat, there are but two besides myself and but 2 soldiers who are left out of the 7 that were here. 50 Men died in July besides 3 Negro women 1 child and 2 Negro men. Mr Van Antwerp has been here 3 or 4 times, was here on the day that we sent off our sick and found out he could get some of our sick (I mean the Reg.) on board if he could get them here. So he went up to Granger and got his horse and went out and succeeded in getting 16 off up river
I am not in a position to get hold of such things as you mention to bring or send home, unless I buy them but I'll try & bring something & if I don't will get something afterwards. Floating Hospital Nashville Aug 3rd '63 Dear Wife I have anxiously waited for another letter long enough to begin one now "wherr or no". I am better than when I wrote last, though not quite well yet. Diarrhoea troubles me and piles with it to some extent. we have very warm weather. Scarcely any rain Still nights are cool. We have fresh vegetables to eat all the time of almost all kinds. Not now very full of sick as we sent off a load the other day up river, & there has so many gone now that we shall not be much hurried in future. There has died since I came on board 400 persons and yet I'm alive. Out of the original officers on the boat, there are but two besides myself and but 2 soldiers who are left out of the 7 that were here. 50 Men died in July besides 3 Negro women 1 child and 2 Negro men. Mr Van Antwerp has been here 3 or 4 times, was here on the day that we sent off our sick and found out he could get some of our sick (I mean the Reg.) on board if he could get them here. So he went up to Granger and got his horse and went out and succeeded in getting 16 off up river
Civil War Diaries and Letters