American cookbook, 1850-1870
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To this quantity put two quarts of best punch brandy. Then bottle and cork well. Large Pennsylvania tomattoes are the best. If not salt enough, more can be added in boiling. Tea drop Cakes or Cup Cakes Take one quart new milk, two tablespoons full of cream, 4 eggs. Stir in flour the thickness of pancakes. Pour in cups and bake 30 minutes. Mulled Wine Boil together in 1/4 pint of water two grated nutmegs, a handful of broken cinnamon and a handfull of cloves. Allow Six eggs to a quart of wine. Sweeten to your taste.
To this quantity put two quarts of best punch brandy. Then bottle and cork well. Large Pennsylvania tomattoes are the best. If not salt enough, more can be added in boiling. Tea drop Cakes or Cup Cakes Take one quart new milk, two tablespoons full of cream, 4 eggs. Stir in flour the thickness of pancakes. Pour in cups and bake 30 minutes. Mulled Wine Boil together in 1/4 pint of water two grated nutmegs, a handful of broken cinnamon and a handfull of cloves. Allow Six eggs to a quart of wine. Sweeten to your taste.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks