American cookbook, ca. 1850
Page 87
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thin slices of bread & butter beat 3 or 4 eggs & add as much milk []as will fill the mould lay some more slices of bread & butter on the top cover with a buttered paper & steam it an hour 1 oz of bitter almonds beaten in a mortar & added to the milk is an improvement Calves foot pudding Half a pound of calves foot chopped very small 1/2 lb currants 1/2 lb of white bread crumbs 6 eggs sugar & nutmeg to taste, add a glass of brandy & boil Orange Pudding The yolks of 6 eggs beat very well with white sugar melt 3/4 lb of butter to oil mix it well together then grate the rind of 3 oranges & put to the juice, stir them well together then put some very good [illegible] round the dish & put in the pudding
thin slices of bread & butter beat 3 or 4 eggs & add as much milk []as will fill the mould lay some more slices of bread & butter on the top cover with a buttered paper & steam it an hour 1 oz of bitter almonds beaten in a mortar & added to the milk is an improvement Calves foot pudding Half a pound of calves foot chopped very small 1/2 lb currants 1/2 lb of white bread crumbs 6 eggs sugar & nutmeg to taste, add a glass of brandy & boil Orange Pudding The yolks of 6 eggs beat very well with white sugar melt 3/4 lb of butter to oil mix it well together then grate the rind of 3 oranges & put to the juice, stir them well together then put some very good [illegible] round the dish & put in the pudding
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks