Jos. Forbes cookbook, circa 1790s
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so do till the Damsons are Tender, but not break them, then pour them into a Bason & the next day Set them over a fire & do as before till your Damsons are hott through & so do again your Next after, then take your Damsons up into your pot & let your Syrop Boil till tis almost a Gelly y/n put it to your Damsons and next day paper them up 19 To Make Mince Pyes Take one pound of Tongue or Mutton, 2 pound of new Beef Suet or Marrow, 1 lb of Sugar, 1 1/2 lb of Currants 1/2 lb Raisins, 1 1/2 oz Spice Vizt Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, Nutmeggs, about Six Peppers, a little Ginger, & a little Orange or Lemon peal, better than two Gills Rosewater & some Citron 20 To Preserve Cherry's without Stones Take fair preserving Cherrys wipe 'em & take out the stones & to one pound of Cherrys, take 1/4 lb of Loaf Sugar, beaten and scarch'd & 1/2 pint of Juice of Cherrys, Strow ye Bottom of you Skillet with sugar & lay ye Cherrys in, one, by one, between every laying of Cherries & wet it w/i Juice till all your Juice is in them, set it over a Quick fire, let it boil and skim it, take 'em off sometimes & shake 'em about, &
so do till the Damsons are Tender, but not break them, then pour them into a Bason & the next day Set them over a fire & do as before till your Damsons are hott through & so do again your Next after, then take your Damsons up into your pot & let your Syrop Boil till tis almost a Gelly y/n put it to your Damsons and next day paper them up 19 To Make Mince Pyes Take one pound of Tongue or Mutton, 2 pound of new Beef Suet or Marrow, 1 lb of Sugar, 1 1/2 lb of Currants 1/2 lb Raisins, 1 1/2 oz Spice Vizt Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, Nutmeggs, about Six Peppers, a little Ginger, & a little Orange or Lemon peal, better than two Gills Rosewater & some Citron 20 To Preserve Cherry's without Stones Take fair preserving Cherrys wipe 'em & take out the stones & to one pound of Cherrys, take 1/4 lb of Loaf Sugar, beaten and scarch'd & 1/2 pint of Juice of Cherrys, Strow ye Bottom of you Skillet with sugar & lay ye Cherrys in, one, by one, between every laying of Cherries & wet it w/i Juice till all your Juice is in them, set it over a Quick fire, let it boil and skim it, take 'em off sometimes & shake 'em about, &
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks