New England cookbook, 1855-1934
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Boiled Indian bread Three cups of sweet milk, one cup of sour three cups of Indian meal one cup of flour Half cup of molasses - tea spoonfull of saleratus - a little salt - Steam it three hours - in a tin covered pan put into a pot of boiling water - (From H A. Elliott Baked Beans - Few cooks know how to prepare them properly. - Beans, generally are not cooked half long enough. (Rules from "N. York Observer") Two quarts of middling sized beans, two pounds (or less) of Salt pork and one spoonful of molasses Pick the beans over carefully, wash and add a gallon of boiling hot soft water, let them soak in it over might. In the morning put them in fresh water and boil them gently till the skin is very tender and ready to break. Take them up dry and put them in your dish - stir in the molasses, gash the pork and put it down in your dish so as to let the beans cover all but the upper surface - turn in boiling hot water till the top is just covered Bake with a moderate fire four or five hours. Watch them and add water when required.- (From the New York Observer)
Boiled Indian bread Three cups of sweet milk, one cup of sour three cups of Indian meal one cup of flour Half cup of molasses - tea spoonfull of saleratus - a little salt - Steam it three hours - in a tin covered pan put into a pot of boiling water - (From H A. Elliott Baked Beans - Few cooks know how to prepare them properly. - Beans, generally are not cooked half long enough. (Rules from "N. York Observer") Two quarts of middling sized beans, two pounds (or less) of Salt pork and one spoonful of molasses Pick the beans over carefully, wash and add a gallon of boiling hot soft water, let them soak in it over might. In the morning put them in fresh water and boil them gently till the skin is very tender and ready to break. Take them up dry and put them in your dish - stir in the molasses, gash the pork and put it down in your dish so as to let the beans cover all but the upper surface - turn in boiling hot water till the top is just covered Bake with a moderate fire four or five hours. Watch them and add water when required.- (From the New York Observer)
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks