New England cookbook, 1855-1934
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Apple Custard Pudding. Peal and core the apples, and butter the Dish, then put them in the Dish, and make a Custard, putting 4 table spoons full of flour & 2 eggs to a pint of milk and turn over your apples. Bake one hour or till the apples are cooked - Pudding Sauce Large Coffee cup of sugar, quarter of a pound of butter - Beaten together till very light - Then add one egg but do not beat much after the egg is in. Stir in a glass of wine. Remove the cover of the Tea kettle cover, and set the sauce in its place, let it melt as thick as cream - stirring it once in a while. Boiled Indian Pudding 2 cups of Indian meal - 2 cups of flour, 1 Egg 1/2 cup of molasses, 1 Tea spoon of soda, 2 cream tartar wet with milk till as thick as Cake. Steam three hours.- (Sauce)
Apple Custard Pudding. Peal and core the apples, and butter the Dish, then put them in the Dish, and make a Custard, putting 4 table spoons full of flour & 2 eggs to a pint of milk and turn over your apples. Bake one hour or till the apples are cooked - Pudding Sauce Large Coffee cup of sugar, quarter of a pound of butter - Beaten together till very light - Then add one egg but do not beat much after the egg is in. Stir in a glass of wine. Remove the cover of the Tea kettle cover, and set the sauce in its place, let it melt as thick as cream - stirring it once in a while. Boiled Indian Pudding 2 cups of Indian meal - 2 cups of flour, 1 Egg 1/2 cup of molasses, 1 Tea spoon of soda, 2 cream tartar wet with milk till as thick as Cake. Steam three hours.- (Sauce)
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks