Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1875-December 20, 1877
Page 123
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123. Saturday November 6th 1875. Mother went to town this morning and I got the dinner. Mercy! how I did work in the afternoon blacking the parlor stove and getting it up. It was nearly night before I got the house all cleaned up. Emma Moon came to stay all night and we went to the sociable at the Chapel. I enjoyed myself real well. I had a letter from Al today and one from a couple of my school children. Sunday November 7th 1875. We girls went to church this morning I helped get the dinner over And then Mother and Emma started to go to the cemetery. After they had been gone some time Mr Bently and I started for a walk. But only got as far as the bridge when we met them coming back with Aunt Emma and family who they had met up there. They stayed about an hour. I wrote a long letter to Al in the evening. A lovely day Monday November 8th 1875. We washed this forenoon and got the cleaning up all done. In the afternoon Lee and I went to town in the buggy. I helped with the evening
123. Saturday November 6th 1875. Mother went to town this morning and I got the dinner. Mercy! how I did work in the afternoon blacking the parlor stove and getting it up. It was nearly night before I got the house all cleaned up. Emma Moon came to stay all night and we went to the sociable at the Chapel. I enjoyed myself real well. I had a letter from Al today and one from a couple of my school children. Sunday November 7th 1875. We girls went to church this morning I helped get the dinner over And then Mother and Emma started to go to the cemetery. After they had been gone some time Mr Bently and I started for a walk. But only got as far as the bridge when we met them coming back with Aunt Emma and family who they had met up there. They stayed about an hour. I wrote a long letter to Al in the evening. A lovely day Monday November 8th 1875. We washed this forenoon and got the cleaning up all done. In the afternoon Lee and I went to town in the buggy. I helped with the evening
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries