Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1876-November 15, 1877
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20 Friday February 11th 1876. I got the house all cleaned up this forenoon. We started Lee to the valley after Hattie. But he came back the roads were so bad there was no chance of getting there. After dinner he went down on horse-back. I baked cake and got things ready to go over there tonight. How sorry I am that Hatt could not get home. Rob and I started over about seven oclock. He left me at Sallies and Mr Chase came there for me. A little after night the delegation were ready to start. We found McCalls folks all ready for us. Some one had told Ella up town and she told her mother. So we were the ones surprised after all. Mr Chase was unable to be there all of the eve. Every thing passed of so well I was more than satisfied with the arrangements. They all seemed to enjoy themselves so much. It was a lovely moon-light night. Rob and I started home at three oclock. I had a letter from Will Reed and a note from Mr Chase.
20 Friday February 11th 1876. I got the house all cleaned up this forenoon. We started Lee to the valley after Hattie. But he came back the roads were so bad there was no chance of getting there. After dinner he went down on horse-back. I baked cake and got things ready to go over there tonight. How sorry I am that Hatt could not get home. Rob and I started over about seven oclock. He left me at Sallies and Mr Chase came there for me. A little after night the delegation were ready to start. We found McCalls folks all ready for us. Some one had told Ella up town and she told her mother. So we were the ones surprised after all. Mr Chase was unable to be there all of the eve. Every thing passed of so well I was more than satisfied with the arrangements. They all seemed to enjoy themselves so much. It was a lovely moon-light night. Rob and I started home at three oclock. I had a letter from Will Reed and a note from Mr Chase.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries