Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1876-November 15, 1877
Page 141
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141. Saturday January 6th 1877. I helped do the work till two oclock in the afternoon. I then dressed myself and went over to the Pinney House for a visit. I had a real good visit and did not come home till nearly nine oclock. Father was over and I came with him. Mother was in town this afternoon. Weather pleasanter than for some time. Sunday January 7th 1877 It was fearfully cold this morning and continued so all day. I got nothing done but a little house-work and reading. Winnie came over in the afternoon and stayed till evening. We had a sing after supper. Jim came to take her home and Mr Whetstone spent the evening here. Monday January 8th 1877 I washed this forenoon and in the afternoon went to town and selected a parlor stove. I knit all the evening. A very cold day. Dear Grand Father would have been 78 years old today if he had lived.
141. Saturday January 6th 1877. I helped do the work till two oclock in the afternoon. I then dressed myself and went over to the Pinney House for a visit. I had a real good visit and did not come home till nearly nine oclock. Father was over and I came with him. Mother was in town this afternoon. Weather pleasanter than for some time. Sunday January 7th 1877 It was fearfully cold this morning and continued so all day. I got nothing done but a little house-work and reading. Winnie came over in the afternoon and stayed till evening. We had a sing after supper. Jim came to take her home and Mr Whetstone spent the evening here. Monday January 8th 1877 I washed this forenoon and in the afternoon went to town and selected a parlor stove. I knit all the evening. A very cold day. Dear Grand Father would have been 78 years old today if he had lived.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries