Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1876-November 15, 1877
Page 179
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179. Wednesday April 18th 1877. It was rather a pleasant day I did nothing but sew a little. Mother was down town. Pete came over in the evening and it stormed so he had to stay all night. Thursday April 19th 1877. It was a rainy gloomy day. I worked on my pillow case all day I am feeling better than I did the first of the week. I went to bed early. Friday April 20th 1877. This has been a splendid day. I did a large washing this forenoon and after dinner we took down the stove in our room and cleaned it up a little Hatt went over to Wins right after supper to go to society with her And Pete came over after me. I was very tired when I got home. Sunday April 21st 1877. We ironed this forenoon and did some other work while Mother was gone to
179. Wednesday April 18th 1877. It was rather a pleasant day I did nothing but sew a little. Mother was down town. Pete came over in the evening and it stormed so he had to stay all night. Thursday April 19th 1877. It was a rainy gloomy day. I worked on my pillow case all day I am feeling better than I did the first of the week. I went to bed early. Friday April 20th 1877. This has been a splendid day. I did a large washing this forenoon and after dinner we took down the stove in our room and cleaned it up a little Hatt went over to Wins right after supper to go to society with her And Pete came over after me. I was very tired when I got home. Sunday April 21st 1877. We ironed this forenoon and did some other work while Mother was gone to
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries