Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1910-December 31, 1911
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Mother & Hattie and did not come home till 8.30. William came over to the car with me I got from Will $10.00. From Mother a silk waist & [stool?] from Hattie [illegible] [illegible] pieces from both Fannie & Cora Mrs [Bremer?] game me a nice fancy work bag. I got some smaller articles from others. Monday December 26 1910 It was a fine day. I did the work in the forenoon Will hauled hogs for Lucian [Dennis?]. At 1.05 I went down to Marys where I spent a very pleasant afternoon. I missed the car and got a ride home with people passing the house. did fancy work in evening Tuesday December 27 1910 Will took three hogs to town for himself this morning He got 7.40 for [cart?] and they brought $97.67 I was busy sewing all day. Weather threatening. Wednesday December 28 1910 Weather colder. Will busy about the place in morning to town in afternoon. I weighed up a load of corn he bought. I was sewing what spare time I had
Mother & Hattie and did not come home till 8.30. William came over to the car with me I got from Will $10.00. From Mother a silk waist & [stool?] from Hattie [illegible] [illegible] pieces from both Fannie & Cora Mrs [Bremer?] game me a nice fancy work bag. I got some smaller articles from others. Monday December 26 1910 It was a fine day. I did the work in the forenoon Will hauled hogs for Lucian [Dennis?]. At 1.05 I went down to Marys where I spent a very pleasant afternoon. I missed the car and got a ride home with people passing the house. did fancy work in evening Tuesday December 27 1910 Will took three hogs to town for himself this morning He got 7.40 for [cart?] and they brought $97.67 I was busy sewing all day. Weather threatening. Wednesday December 28 1910 Weather colder. Will busy about the place in morning to town in afternoon. I weighed up a load of corn he bought. I was sewing what spare time I had
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries