Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1-October 21, 1874
Page 19
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19th as dinner was ready Aunty Walker and Aunty Smith came also. I was all the afternoon doing up the dinner work and preparing things for supper. I got the supper most all done. But as soon as it was ready I laid down on the sofa and did not sit up much more all the evening. Owen came and sat in the parlor with me awhile. Friday February 18th 1874 I finished the ironing this morning and helped about the dinner. Mother went to town in the afternoon and I gave both rooms up stairs a general cleaning up. After supper Owen and I went over to Folsoms on an errand for Mother. When we got home found Hattie and Winnie had gone of in the country to a spelling school. Owen was in a little while in the evening. I sewed some. Saturday February 14th 1874 I did house-work all day long. Mother Hatt and Win all went town in the afternoon. I was busy all the time.
19th as dinner was ready Aunty Walker and Aunty Smith came also. I was all the afternoon doing up the dinner work and preparing things for supper. I got the supper most all done. But as soon as it was ready I laid down on the sofa and did not sit up much more all the evening. Owen came and sat in the parlor with me awhile. Friday February 18th 1874 I finished the ironing this morning and helped about the dinner. Mother went to town in the afternoon and I gave both rooms up stairs a general cleaning up. After supper Owen and I went over to Folsoms on an errand for Mother. When we got home found Hattie and Winnie had gone of in the country to a spelling school. Owen was in a little while in the evening. I sewed some. Saturday February 14th 1874 I did house-work all day long. Mother Hatt and Win all went town in the afternoon. I was busy all the time.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries