Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1-October 21, 1874
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42nd Sunday April 12th 1874. It took all the forenoon to do the work and get the dinner. We had turkey for dinner. Aunty and Uncle Walker were here for dinner. In the afternoon I wrote a few lines to Charlie. I read a little in the evening and went to bed early. Weather cold and unpleasant. Monday April 13th 1874. Just as soon as I got through with the morning work I sat down to sew, [on?] Hattie, a dark calico dress. I worked at it till about the middle of the afternoon I then cut a few scraps into carpet rags. After I had helped with the supper I sewed carpet rags till quite late. Owen brought his book and came in the sitting room to read We had a little visit this evening. Weather still cold. a chilly rain this afternoon. Tuesday April 14th 1874. After I had helped do the morning work I finished Hatties dress. In the afternoon
42nd Sunday April 12th 1874. It took all the forenoon to do the work and get the dinner. We had turkey for dinner. Aunty and Uncle Walker were here for dinner. In the afternoon I wrote a few lines to Charlie. I read a little in the evening and went to bed early. Weather cold and unpleasant. Monday April 13th 1874. Just as soon as I got through with the morning work I sat down to sew, [on?] Hattie, a dark calico dress. I worked at it till about the middle of the afternoon I then cut a few scraps into carpet rags. After I had helped with the supper I sewed carpet rags till quite late. Owen brought his book and came in the sitting room to read We had a little visit this evening. Weather still cold. a chilly rain this afternoon. Tuesday April 14th 1874. After I had helped do the morning work I finished Hatties dress. In the afternoon
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries