Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1-October 21, 1874
Page 62
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62nd ready I helped wash the dinner dishes and changed my dress. Hattie and I started off down through the lot for a walk and did intend to go on over to see Sallie Hart. But it looked so much like rain that we turned and came back to the house. Later in the afternoon Owen and I took a walk and the girls went to town for a ride. It was a beautiful evening and Owen and I sat on the north porch and talked after lunch. Monday May 25th 1874. Some what cooler and pleasanter this morning. As soon as I had eaten my breakfast I rode over to town Ott and Lee going with me. I got me a new hat and did considerable running around town. and came home alone about ten oclock. Mother had gone to town to see the show. and the girls were off down on the hill listening to the music. So I found myself complete mistress of the situation. I brought my
62nd ready I helped wash the dinner dishes and changed my dress. Hattie and I started off down through the lot for a walk and did intend to go on over to see Sallie Hart. But it looked so much like rain that we turned and came back to the house. Later in the afternoon Owen and I took a walk and the girls went to town for a ride. It was a beautiful evening and Owen and I sat on the north porch and talked after lunch. Monday May 25th 1874. Some what cooler and pleasanter this morning. As soon as I had eaten my breakfast I rode over to town Ott and Lee going with me. I got me a new hat and did considerable running around town. and came home alone about ten oclock. Mother had gone to town to see the show. and the girls were off down on the hill listening to the music. So I found myself complete mistress of the situation. I brought my
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries