Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1-October 21, 1874
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86th went home as they did. Mother and I washed the supper dishes. It was nine oclock when we got through. I finished my letter to Owen and went right to bed. Monday July 13th 1874. Mother and I went to town real early this morning I got stuff to make me a white basque and overskirt. Got the waist cut and worked on that all the afternoon. It was a very warm day and I did not feel at all well. Tuesday July 14th 1874. I washed this forenoon, and by the time we had dinner over the clothes were dry. I ironed in the afternoon. And sewed every spare minute I had. Wednesday July 15th 1874. It was raining this morning so Mother and I could not go to the valley, as we had intended. I sewed on several things. Went to town a few minutes just before supper I sewed more after I came home.
86th went home as they did. Mother and I washed the supper dishes. It was nine oclock when we got through. I finished my letter to Owen and went right to bed. Monday July 13th 1874. Mother and I went to town real early this morning I got stuff to make me a white basque and overskirt. Got the waist cut and worked on that all the afternoon. It was a very warm day and I did not feel at all well. Tuesday July 14th 1874. I washed this forenoon, and by the time we had dinner over the clothes were dry. I ironed in the afternoon. And sewed every spare minute I had. Wednesday July 15th 1874. It was raining this morning so Mother and I could not go to the valley, as we had intended. I sewed on several things. Went to town a few minutes just before supper I sewed more after I came home.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries