Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1-October 21, 1874
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90th oclock Mother and I rode over to town. I got me a lot of little notions and a trunk. Just a splendid one. It was nearly dark when we got home and they had all eaten supper. About eleven oclock there was a fire in town. A grocery and meat market on Dubuque St. We every one of us but Father and Mother put of over there. We had lots of fun, only we nearly melted we were so warm. I had a letter from Charlie and answered it this afternoon. Sunday July 26th 1874. I helped do up the morning work and wrote some. After dinner I wrote a letter to Owen and went over to town to mail it. Ike Garretson walked home with me to supper. Early in the evening Jim Alder called. I entertained him till half past eleven oclock. I was tired enough of it. Monday July 27th 1874. I washed till noon. Early in the afternoon Mother and I went to town in the buggy. But Father took my new trunk home in it and
90th oclock Mother and I rode over to town. I got me a lot of little notions and a trunk. Just a splendid one. It was nearly dark when we got home and they had all eaten supper. About eleven oclock there was a fire in town. A grocery and meat market on Dubuque St. We every one of us but Father and Mother put of over there. We had lots of fun, only we nearly melted we were so warm. I had a letter from Charlie and answered it this afternoon. Sunday July 26th 1874. I helped do up the morning work and wrote some. After dinner I wrote a letter to Owen and went over to town to mail it. Ike Garretson walked home with me to supper. Early in the evening Jim Alder called. I entertained him till half past eleven oclock. I was tired enough of it. Monday July 27th 1874. I washed till noon. Early in the afternoon Mother and I went to town in the buggy. But Father took my new trunk home in it and
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries