Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1-October 21, 1874
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111st the evening I went up town again, had a letter from Charlie tonight, wrote home tonight. Thursday October 1st 1874. I sewed all day. As soon as I had eaten my supper I went to the Chicago and Alton Depot to get a package Charlie had sent me by express. From there I went over to Mrs Pratts to call on Mrs Harrington. I staid there till the mail was in. Mrs Pratt and sister came down town with me. I walked home with Owen and after we got home I undone my package and found it contained a beautiful fur cloak and hood. Friday October 2nd 1874. I wrote to Charlie early this morning. I sewed all day and went up town in the evening. I got yarn to make Rob a scarf, and had a letter from Mother and Lee tonight. Saturday October 3rd 1874. I finished up my sewing this morning and then went over to Etts and to McKinstrys a little while. I took dinner at Mrs Beechers.
111st the evening I went up town again, had a letter from Charlie tonight, wrote home tonight. Thursday October 1st 1874. I sewed all day. As soon as I had eaten my supper I went to the Chicago and Alton Depot to get a package Charlie had sent me by express. From there I went over to Mrs Pratts to call on Mrs Harrington. I staid there till the mail was in. Mrs Pratt and sister came down town with me. I walked home with Owen and after we got home I undone my package and found it contained a beautiful fur cloak and hood. Friday October 2nd 1874. I wrote to Charlie early this morning. I sewed all day and went up town in the evening. I got yarn to make Rob a scarf, and had a letter from Mother and Lee tonight. Saturday October 3rd 1874. I finished up my sewing this morning and then went over to Etts and to McKinstrys a little while. I took dinner at Mrs Beechers.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries