Francis Smith medical recipe book, 1704
Page 45
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An excelent helpe for thost ye cannot hold their water 45. Take ye bladder of a sheep dry it throughly and beat it into powder put it into four or five spoonfulls of vineger or water give it the party going to bed. Against ye plague or poyson. Take two walnuts, two figs twenty leaves of rue and one grain of salt Stampe them all together eat it in the morning. For the black jaundice. Take a quantity of great wormes a quantity of [herbegrace] a quantity of [ansmart] and the greene of a goose turd
An excelent helpe for thost ye cannot hold their water 45. Take ye bladder of a sheep dry it throughly and beat it into powder put it into four or five spoonfulls of vineger or water give it the party going to bed. Against ye plague or poyson. Take two walnuts, two figs twenty leaves of rue and one grain of salt Stampe them all together eat it in the morning. For the black jaundice. Take a quantity of great wormes a quantity of [herbegrace] a quantity of [ansmart] and the greene of a goose turd
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks