Francis Smith medical recipe book, 1704
Page 59
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59 May the 29th in y yeard 1706 John Flewell was took tennant to hobkins two growns at [illegible] Shallborne Woods. This plaiste will heale a marmole and a canker and a fester and wounds and all other sores if [thon?] put thereto one ounce of waxe ollibanon (olibanum) and myrrhe of each a dram for a sore brest ye must be broken Take one handfull of ground [silt?] a pinte of sweete milk and a handfull of oatemeale and seethe them together make a plaister thereof and lay in on as hot as the patient can endure it.
59 May the 29th in y yeard 1706 John Flewell was took tennant to hobkins two growns at [illegible] Shallborne Woods. This plaiste will heale a marmole and a canker and a fester and wounds and all other sores if [thon?] put thereto one ounce of waxe ollibanon (olibanum) and myrrhe of each a dram for a sore brest ye must be broken Take one handfull of ground [silt?] a pinte of sweete milk and a handfull of oatemeale and seethe them together make a plaister thereof and lay in on as hot as the patient can endure it.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks