Francis Smith medical recipe book, 1704
Page 61
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61 A plaister to heale it Take one pound of bores-greace and three garlicke heads stampe them in a morter till they be fine and put both into a boxe and thereto Beane flower the Quantity of two Eggs [bray?] them together and Lay them to the brest If a man stand in feare of ye palsie Let him eat every morning two or three graines of mustar seedes and two pepper cornes: For a burne or Scald Take a Onion and cut him over-thwart and wring out the juyce upon ye scalded place doing so every day twise
61 A plaister to heale it Take one pound of bores-greace and three garlicke heads stampe them in a morter till they be fine and put both into a boxe and thereto Beane flower the Quantity of two Eggs [bray?] them together and Lay them to the brest If a man stand in feare of ye palsie Let him eat every morning two or three graines of mustar seedes and two pepper cornes: For a burne or Scald Take a Onion and cut him over-thwart and wring out the juyce upon ye scalded place doing so every day twise
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks