Francis Smith medical recipe book, 1704
Page 95a
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An Excellent Sear-cloth for a bruse Strain or wound Take one pint of Oyl-olive read lead eight ounces Virgins Wax four OUnces Ungt. populeon four ounces. Oyl of roses and Cammomil of Each on Ounce Set the oyl on the fire then melt the wax in it then put in the populeon and Oyuls and when al are melted put in the red Lead Stir them well together and let it boil till it be black A Rare Balsam Take Venice turpentine one pound wash it four times with fair water and as many limes in damask rose water till it be as white as snow then take an Earth
An Excellent Sear-cloth for a bruse Strain or wound Take one pint of Oyl-olive read lead eight ounces Virgins Wax four OUnces Ungt. populeon four ounces. Oyl of roses and Cammomil of Each on Ounce Set the oyl on the fire then melt the wax in it then put in the populeon and Oyuls and when al are melted put in the red Lead Stir them well together and let it boil till it be black A Rare Balsam Take Venice turpentine one pound wash it four times with fair water and as many limes in damask rose water till it be as white as snow then take an Earth
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks