Francis Smith medical recipe book, 1704
Page 144
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Time pellitory rosemary penniroyal montaium cammomile babin harts tongue lavender avance an a handful bray ye spices small and let it stand so twelve hours sterring it [illegible] times. then still it in a limbeck and keep it by its self for it is best then will there come a second wter not so good as the first: The vertue of this water is to comfort ye vital spirit greatly it helps inwards diseases tht come of cold helpeth the shaking of the palsie it strengthneth the marrow in ye bones it killeth worms n the body cureth ye cold gout and toothache it heleth ye stone inye bladder and ye pain in ye pains of the back one spoon
Time pellitory rosemary penniroyal montaium cammomile babin harts tongue lavender avance an a handful bray ye spices small and let it stand so twelve hours sterring it [illegible] times. then still it in a limbeck and keep it by its self for it is best then will there come a second wter not so good as the first: The vertue of this water is to comfort ye vital spirit greatly it helps inwards diseases tht come of cold helpeth the shaking of the palsie it strengthneth the marrow in ye bones it killeth worms n the body cureth ye cold gout and toothache it heleth ye stone inye bladder and ye pain in ye pains of the back one spoon
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks