Francis Smith medical recipe book, 1704
Page 165
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For burning or Scalding Take half a pint of ye best Cream you can get and Set it in a fair posnet upon ye fire then take two good handfulls of daifice roots leaves and all cleane [roashed?] and very finely shred put them into ye same posnet and boil it upon ye fire until it be a cleare Ointment then strain it through a cloath and keep it for youre use/ Fore Sore Eyes Take new hens dung out of ye nest and put it into an Oven almost. cold let it lie there all night and take ye white of it and beat it being dryed - and take as much of ye powder of ginger finely beaten and put to yt half ye like quantity of sugar-candy all which much be beaten very well and
For burning or Scalding Take half a pint of ye best Cream you can get and Set it in a fair posnet upon ye fire then take two good handfulls of daifice roots leaves and all cleane [roashed?] and very finely shred put them into ye same posnet and boil it upon ye fire until it be a cleare Ointment then strain it through a cloath and keep it for youre use/ Fore Sore Eyes Take new hens dung out of ye nest and put it into an Oven almost. cold let it lie there all night and take ye white of it and beat it being dryed - and take as much of ye powder of ginger finely beaten and put to yt half ye like quantity of sugar-candy all which much be beaten very well and
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks