Francis Smith medical recipe book, 1704
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a quarter of an hour then put Olibanum five Ounces. Mirrh three Ounces Sanguis dragonis one Ounce. let it boil till ye Incense and mirrh be - melted then take it of and let it stand till it is cold then put it into a glass bottle and set it ten days in ye Sun then keep it for use. This Oyle ye Older it is ye better it must be applied as hot as may be Indured first washing the wound with whit wine. A Restoring broth Take two Ounces of Chene-roots slit very thin put them in a pipkin with five pints of water. close stop it set it upon ye Embers all night where it may be hot but not boil. then put in a Cock-Chicken and when it is -- Clean Scummed. put in two spoonfuls of french barly six dates slit
a quarter of an hour then put Olibanum five Ounces. Mirrh three Ounces Sanguis dragonis one Ounce. let it boil till ye Incense and mirrh be - melted then take it of and let it stand till it is cold then put it into a glass bottle and set it ten days in ye Sun then keep it for use. This Oyle ye Older it is ye better it must be applied as hot as may be Indured first washing the wound with whit wine. A Restoring broth Take two Ounces of Chene-roots slit very thin put them in a pipkin with five pints of water. close stop it set it upon ye Embers all night where it may be hot but not boil. then put in a Cock-Chicken and when it is -- Clean Scummed. put in two spoonfuls of french barly six dates slit
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks