Francis Smith medical recipe book, 1704
Page 179
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A Salve for a green wound or Old Sore Take ye leaves of green Tobacco two pounds, of Velerian two pounds beat them very Small then Strain them and take ye juyce thereof. put yellow wax. Rosin of each one - pound. Deer Suet on pound boyle them till they be very green and when it is half cold put to it aquarter of a pound of Turpintine. Ther vertues of the root called Contra Yarva being made into fine powder 1 It withstands ye plague being taken in Triacle water.... 2 It is good in all pestilent diseases taken in posset drink with saffron.. 3 it is good against a feaver taken in Carduns water...... 4 It is a great antidote against all poysons taken in Sallade oil...
A Salve for a green wound or Old Sore Take ye leaves of green Tobacco two pounds, of Velerian two pounds beat them very Small then Strain them and take ye juyce thereof. put yellow wax. Rosin of each one - pound. Deer Suet on pound boyle them till they be very green and when it is half cold put to it aquarter of a pound of Turpintine. Ther vertues of the root called Contra Yarva being made into fine powder 1 It withstands ye plague being taken in Triacle water.... 2 It is good in all pestilent diseases taken in posset drink with saffron.. 3 it is good against a feaver taken in Carduns water...... 4 It is a great antidote against all poysons taken in Sallade oil...
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks