Francis Smith medical recipe book, 1704
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A Drink for cold rhumes Tak ye roots of fennel Comfrey Parsley Liverwort Harts-tongue..Mousear. Horehound. Sandrake..Maidenhair Cinquefoil Hysop..Bugloss and Violet Leaves. an. one handfull wash and dry them very clean Raisins Solis eight - ounces Anniseeds four drams -- Liquorish two drams Elicampane roots two drams half a pint of basly washed an bruised boil these in 2 quarts fair water until half be consumed Strain it and put to a a Quart of Rhenish wine and one Ounce of Sugar candy boil it again till half be Consumed drink thereof mornings and Evenings
A Drink for cold rhumes Tak ye roots of fennel Comfrey Parsley Liverwort Harts-tongue..Mousear. Horehound. Sandrake..Maidenhair Cinquefoil Hysop..Bugloss and Violet Leaves. an. one handfull wash and dry them very clean Raisins Solis eight - ounces Anniseeds four drams -- Liquorish two drams Elicampane roots two drams half a pint of basly washed an bruised boil these in 2 quarts fair water until half be consumed Strain it and put to a a Quart of Rhenish wine and one Ounce of Sugar candy boil it again till half be Consumed drink thereof mornings and Evenings
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks