Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
Page 11
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put in in a pot ye day after Lay a prickt pape close one it & power some clarifid buter one it when cold tie a paper close one ye top & ceep it in some coole plase for yr use it will ceep 6 or 12 months & be ready I had forgot to tell yu must when yr orringes are boyld put ym out of ye clouth in to cold water Let ym Ly an oure more or less as yn have time yn ring ym a litle in a clouth when don yn forse ym through a sive & yn order ym as direckted before An orring pudin Take a large orringes or 5 midlin ons yt hath beene boyle & pulpt & boyld with suger as before mix ym with a gill or litle more of good crame 8 eggs take a way 4 whites beat ym with 4 peny worth of orringe flower water a longe biskit & a halfe or rather more greated litle halfe of a pound of good sweet butter clarifide an ounce canded orring finely sred it yr orring make it not sweet anoufe ad more suger beat yr orringe & eggs well together first yn put in yr outher things & mix ym well together
put in in a pot ye day after Lay a prickt pape close one it & power some clarifid buter one it when cold tie a paper close one ye top & ceep it in some coole plase for yr use it will ceep 6 or 12 months & be ready I had forgot to tell yu must when yr orringes are boyld put ym out of ye clouth in to cold water Let ym Ly an oure more or less as yn have time yn ring ym a litle in a clouth when don yn forse ym through a sive & yn order ym as direckted before An orring pudin Take a large orringes or 5 midlin ons yt hath beene boyle & pulpt & boyld with suger as before mix ym with a gill or litle more of good crame 8 eggs take a way 4 whites beat ym with 4 peny worth of orringe flower water a longe biskit & a halfe or rather more greated litle halfe of a pound of good sweet butter clarifide an ounce canded orring finely sred it yr orring make it not sweet anoufe ad more suger beat yr orringe & eggs well together first yn put in yr outher things & mix ym well together
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks