Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
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Schock Collops Take a Leg of veale take ye best part fref from scins: fat cut it into colops beat it well with a roleing pin sason it with a litle greated nutmeg put buter in yr friein pan Let it scars melt yn Lay in yr meat Let it frie a litle yn turne it be carefoll yr butter browne not nor yr colops let ym not be fride quite anoufe yn power ye colops butter & grave altogether into yr stewepan yn clere yr pan & put in more buter as yu did at first: do not put too much buter: Let yr buter scerse melt yn lay in more of yr collops & frie ym as before yn power al into yr stewepan which must stand too ceep warme tell yu have fride al: yn have redy good veale gravi taken clere from fat or dregs besure to take away al ye fat frone yr colops: yn power so much of ye gravi as yu think will be sase anoufe great to it some yallowe rine of lemon so much anchove as will tast it washt taken from ye bons & sred a litle fresh oyster licke yt hath boyld oysters in or a litle licker of pickld to tast ym & yn a litle white wine Let ym stewe a litle if it stewe to Long yr collops will be hard & drie when yu think ye are anoufe turne over
Schock Collops Take a Leg of veale take ye best part fref from scins: fat cut it into colops beat it well with a roleing pin sason it with a litle greated nutmeg put buter in yr friein pan Let it scars melt yn Lay in yr meat Let it frie a litle yn turne it be carefoll yr butter browne not nor yr colops let ym not be fride quite anoufe yn power ye colops butter & grave altogether into yr stewepan yn clere yr pan & put in more buter as yu did at first: do not put too much buter: Let yr buter scerse melt yn lay in more of yr collops & frie ym as before yn power al into yr stewepan which must stand too ceep warme tell yu have fride al: yn have redy good veale gravi taken clere from fat or dregs besure to take away al ye fat frone yr colops: yn power so much of ye gravi as yu think will be sase anoufe great to it some yallowe rine of lemon so much anchove as will tast it washt taken from ye bons & sred a litle fresh oyster licke yt hath boyld oysters in or a litle licker of pickld to tast ym & yn a litle white wine Let ym stewe a litle if it stewe to Long yr collops will be hard & drie when yu think ye are anoufe turne over
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks