Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
Page 87
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put in buter and dust in a litle flower to thicken a litit want & a litle salt if it want & a litle nutmeg: when it hath just boyld take if of and put in a litle inse of lemon or a litle viniger but not to tast sower a bit stir it in yn a sponefoll or 2 of thick crame to make it a litle white: yn Lay ym in yr dish power ye sase too ym garnish yr dish with 20 or 30 veale balls some longe some round fride: slises of Lemon & pickls some fresh oysters yt hath beene boyld: some in yr sase & some to garnish ye dish Calfes head hash Take a calfs head dress & wash it in water & Let it Lie in it to make it white: yn boyle it tell it be tender take out ye great boons & ye tonge tel it be tender & pill both ye head & tonge: clense ye brans & put ym into a cloth & boyle ym: these shold be done ye night before yu use ym: in ye morneing cut of all ye out side tofe scins & ye vely part about ye neck & all ye litle bons & grisles yn cut it in prity peeses about ye bigness of an crowne peese some larger & some less as it hapens not very thick nor thine sason it with salt & nutmeg a very litle peper yn take good veale grave so much as will make sase for it a litle white wine/turne over
put in buter and dust in a litle flower to thicken a litit want & a litle salt if it want & a litle nutmeg: when it hath just boyld take if of and put in a litle inse of lemon or a litle viniger but not to tast sower a bit stir it in yn a sponefoll or 2 of thick crame to make it a litle white: yn Lay ym in yr dish power ye sase too ym garnish yr dish with 20 or 30 veale balls some longe some round fride: slises of Lemon & pickls some fresh oysters yt hath beene boyld: some in yr sase & some to garnish ye dish Calfes head hash Take a calfs head dress & wash it in water & Let it Lie in it to make it white: yn boyle it tell it be tender take out ye great boons & ye tonge tel it be tender & pill both ye head & tonge: clense ye brans & put ym into a cloth & boyle ym: these shold be done ye night before yu use ym: in ye morneing cut of all ye out side tofe scins & ye vely part about ye neck & all ye litle bons & grisles yn cut it in prity peeses about ye bigness of an crowne peese some larger & some less as it hapens not very thick nor thine sason it with salt & nutmeg a very litle peper yn take good veale grave so much as will make sase for it a litle white wine/turne over
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks