Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
Page 93
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Mutton Staks cut a leg of muton into staks clere from scins or fat beat it with ye end of a rolein pin sason it with salt Lay yr gridiron one a clere fier when it is hot ly one yr muton when it hath broild a litle yt ye grave shose it self one ye top side lay a stake one a plate & a peese of buter one ye brild side yn lay an outher stake one ye buter with ye boild side to ye buter yn with a knife squese it quick while it is very hot & tel yu have got oll ye grave out yn must turne ye botom colop one ye pleat & squese it yn put ye bravi into a pot & ye buter yt coms from ym yn lay yr staks one ye grid iron agane & broile ym out yn lay ym in ye dish & set it one a chafindish with a cole or 2 to ceepe ym warme & cover ym tell yu have broild all cover ym it ceep ym from drieing: yn take some gravi of vele muton or beefe or a litle water if yu have none put so much anchove as will tast it a litle rine of lemon nutmeg grated give ym a boyle together: yn put ye gravi & buter yu squesd out of yu think there is not buter anoufe put in a litle more dust in a litle flower ceepe it shakin tel it boyls up be quick it is apt to oyle elce power it one yr staks yn have rady parsly fride green: slist lemon & pickls to garnish with be quick with it to ye table: broil not ye staks to much ye will be drie
Mutton Staks cut a leg of muton into staks clere from scins or fat beat it with ye end of a rolein pin sason it with salt Lay yr gridiron one a clere fier when it is hot ly one yr muton when it hath broild a litle yt ye grave shose it self one ye top side lay a stake one a plate & a peese of buter one ye brild side yn lay an outher stake one ye buter with ye boild side to ye buter yn with a knife squese it quick while it is very hot & tel yu have got oll ye grave out yn must turne ye botom colop one ye pleat & squese it yn put ye bravi into a pot & ye buter yt coms from ym yn lay yr staks one ye grid iron agane & broile ym out yn lay ym in ye dish & set it one a chafindish with a cole or 2 to ceepe ym warme & cover ym tell yu have broild all cover ym it ceep ym from drieing: yn take some gravi of vele muton or beefe or a litle water if yu have none put so much anchove as will tast it a litle rine of lemon nutmeg grated give ym a boyle together: yn put ye gravi & buter yu squesd out of yu think there is not buter anoufe put in a litle more dust in a litle flower ceepe it shakin tel it boyls up be quick it is apt to oyle elce power it one yr staks yn have rady parsly fride green: slist lemon & pickls to garnish with be quick with it to ye table: broil not ye staks to much ye will be drie
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks