Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
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boyls if yu think i be not thick anoufe yu may mix a litle fine flower with a spoonefoll of crame as it boyls: set halfe a pound of butter one ye fier yn take a handfoll of yong spineg & parsly first washt pickt & dride: crush it in yr hands: put it in ye buter when it boyls: & let ym boyle tel ye be tender if yu let ym boyle to longe ye will not be greene: yn take ym out of ye buter & when yr pease have boyld a while put into ym a pint of thick crame & boyle ym yn put in some powderd mint & halfe a pound of buter: sason it with salt when ye sope is anoufe take it of ye fier & put in ye erbs which must be boyld in ye buter just when yu boyle ym or ye will lose there coller put ye sope in a deep dish fling in a fewe whole pease & fride manchit cut in dises A yallowe Pease soope Take a large knockle of veale crack it very well but first cut of all ye lane yn may put in anyouther bons of raw meat boyle it to a stronge brouth but not to much away yn beat yr lane peeses of veale being first cut thine frie it as yu do for gravi & drawe it with yr stronge broth: yn have about a pint & halfe of pease boyld tender in no more water yn will boyle ym so when ye are tender lave a fewe whole ons to scater
boyls if yu think i be not thick anoufe yu may mix a litle fine flower with a spoonefoll of crame as it boyls: set halfe a pound of butter one ye fier yn take a handfoll of yong spineg & parsly first washt pickt & dride: crush it in yr hands: put it in ye buter when it boyls: & let ym boyle tel ye be tender if yu let ym boyle to longe ye will not be greene: yn take ym out of ye buter & when yr pease have boyld a while put into ym a pint of thick crame & boyle ym yn put in some powderd mint & halfe a pound of buter: sason it with salt when ye sope is anoufe take it of ye fier & put in ye erbs which must be boyld in ye buter just when yu boyle ym or ye will lose there coller put ye sope in a deep dish fling in a fewe whole pease & fride manchit cut in dises A yallowe Pease soope Take a large knockle of veale crack it very well but first cut of all ye lane yn may put in anyouther bons of raw meat boyle it to a stronge brouth but not to much away yn beat yr lane peeses of veale being first cut thine frie it as yu do for gravi & drawe it with yr stronge broth: yn have about a pint & halfe of pease boyld tender in no more water yn will boyle ym so when ye are tender lave a fewe whole ons to scater
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks