Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
Page 145
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To pickle small cowecombers Take small rufe cowcombers Lay greene dil at ye botom of a well laded pot yn Lay in part of ye cowcombers yn some more tops of dil yn more cowcombers Lay in more dil yn ye last of yr cowcombers yn Lay ye hard stolks of ye dil cros both ways to ceep ye cowcombers downe yn Lay in a round bord to fit ye pot within over ye dil yn some pavin stons one ye bord to ceep it from swimen: wee put yonge cidny bans into ye pot amongst ye cocomber yn take 3 quarts of pumpe water put so much salt to it yt when it is melted it will bare an egg yn put to it 3 quarts more of pump water set it over ye fier boyle & scome it for nere halfe an ouer when it is quite cold but be sure it be yt: or ye will be soft: yn power it one ye cowecombers ye brine must ly about halfe a quarter of a yard above ym yn tie somethinge over ye pot & Lay a slate or dish one it & set it in a cole plase for 3 weeks: yn take ym into a sive from ye brine yn put ym into fresh pump water give ym a quick wash yn take ym up into a sive drane ym as quick as yu can yn Lay ym all a brode one a Large cloth & wipe ye water all of yn put ym one a drie cloth & spred ym very thine Let ym Ly tel ye be drie turne ym some times: when
To pickle small cowecombers Take small rufe cowcombers Lay greene dil at ye botom of a well laded pot yn Lay in part of ye cowcombers yn some more tops of dil yn more cowcombers Lay in more dil yn ye last of yr cowcombers yn Lay ye hard stolks of ye dil cros both ways to ceep ye cowcombers downe yn Lay in a round bord to fit ye pot within over ye dil yn some pavin stons one ye bord to ceep it from swimen: wee put yonge cidny bans into ye pot amongst ye cocomber yn take 3 quarts of pumpe water put so much salt to it yt when it is melted it will bare an egg yn put to it 3 quarts more of pump water set it over ye fier boyle & scome it for nere halfe an ouer when it is quite cold but be sure it be yt: or ye will be soft: yn power it one ye cowecombers ye brine must ly about halfe a quarter of a yard above ym yn tie somethinge over ye pot & Lay a slate or dish one it & set it in a cole plase for 3 weeks: yn take ym into a sive from ye brine yn put ym into fresh pump water give ym a quick wash yn take ym up into a sive drane ym as quick as yu can yn Lay ym all a brode one a Large cloth & wipe ye water all of yn put ym one a drie cloth & spred ym very thine Let ym Ly tel ye be drie turne ym some times: when
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks