Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
Page 149
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To pickle barbaris Take ye largest & foll ripe barbaris & foll boushes pick ym ye black bare stolks & witherd barbaris of yn take a quart white wine viniger & a quarter of a pound of browne suger or powder boyle ym together & scome it well yn set it to be cold: Lay yr barais in a well laded pot & a litle round slate to go just within ye pot to ceep ym downe when ye viniger is quite cold power it one ym & Let y pickle ly a inch a bone ye baris or halfe an inch tie a paper over ym & ceep ym in a coole drie plase To make conserve of Lemons for minst pies pudins or aples in ye rome of green Lemon greater just ye out side yallowe of ye pils of any lemon yu havs squesd yn way 3 times ye wait of it in sifted powder suger & mix it very well together with a spoone in a bason yn put it close downe in a gill pot or something biger yn clap hard one ye top a litle suger tie a paper over it & ceep it in a coole drie plase Lemon viniger too put into fish sase or minst meat put greaterd lemon in white wine viniger make it strong of ye lemon & cork it in a botle for use
To pickle barbaris Take ye largest & foll ripe barbaris & foll boushes pick ym ye black bare stolks & witherd barbaris of yn take a quart white wine viniger & a quarter of a pound of browne suger or powder boyle ym together & scome it well yn set it to be cold: Lay yr barais in a well laded pot & a litle round slate to go just within ye pot to ceep ym downe when ye viniger is quite cold power it one ym & Let y pickle ly a inch a bone ye baris or halfe an inch tie a paper over ym & ceep ym in a coole drie plase To make conserve of Lemons for minst pies pudins or aples in ye rome of green Lemon greater just ye out side yallowe of ye pils of any lemon yu havs squesd yn way 3 times ye wait of it in sifted powder suger & mix it very well together with a spoone in a bason yn put it close downe in a gill pot or something biger yn clap hard one ye top a litle suger tie a paper over it & ceep it in a coole drie plase Lemon viniger too put into fish sase or minst meat put greaterd lemon in white wine viniger make it strong of ye lemon & cork it in a botle for use
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks