Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1872-December 31, 1874
Page 55
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55th down town and got me a new dress a black and white stripe calico and left it to Mrs Ogles to be cut while I went up to Cannotts awhile Miss Huston was there When I was coming home I met Mrs Sale she wants Mother and I to visit her on Friday It was a very windy and disagreeable day and I had ran around town so much that I was awful tired Mr Huebner was over here this evening. Two years ago today Pete and I attended the funeral of Jim McCollisters youngest child Had a present of a new fan Thursday May 2nd 1872 I sewed on my dress all day Mother worked the button holes for me I sewed some this evening Rob and Hatt have gone to the school house for a rehearsal. I feel so tired and nervous I went to bed pretty early. Friday May 3rd 1872 I finished my dress this morning while Mother and Hattie did up the work It looks splendid Mother and I went over to Mrs Sales had a splendid visit Lizzie Lindley has moved down near her Mother she is real comfortably fixed we came home about five oclock and had only been here a few moments when Mr Huebner came to
55th down town and got me a new dress a black and white stripe calico and left it to Mrs Ogles to be cut while I went up to Cannotts awhile Miss Huston was there When I was coming home I met Mrs Sale she wants Mother and I to visit her on Friday It was a very windy and disagreeable day and I had ran around town so much that I was awful tired Mr Huebner was over here this evening. Two years ago today Pete and I attended the funeral of Jim McCollisters youngest child Had a present of a new fan Thursday May 2nd 1872 I sewed on my dress all day Mother worked the button holes for me I sewed some this evening Rob and Hatt have gone to the school house for a rehearsal. I feel so tired and nervous I went to bed pretty early. Friday May 3rd 1872 I finished my dress this morning while Mother and Hattie did up the work It looks splendid Mother and I went over to Mrs Sales had a splendid visit Lizzie Lindley has moved down near her Mother she is real comfortably fixed we came home about five oclock and had only been here a few moments when Mr Huebner came to
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries