Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1872-December 31, 1874
Page 234
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234th Saturday December 12th 1874 A very pleasant day. I did a little mending and changed my dress before noon, early in the afternoon Jennie and I went down town. We ran around town about an hour, and were down to the depot to see about an express package for her. We then went down to Etts. I went on over to Mrs Beechers and made a call. I got a letter from Mother & Lee, Lizzie Lindley, and from Owen. I enjoyed the afternoon very much indeed. In fact Jen and I were both so glad we went down town. Sunday December 13th 1874. A rainy disagreeable day. No one went to church but Uncle. I wrote to Lee, Charlie and to Owen. I read some and went to bed early. Monday December 14th 1874. To school today. In the evening did not do much of anything. Jennie washed today. Tuesday December 15th 1874. To school today when I got home I did my share of the ironing I got a letter from Rob. Did not work any in the evening. Wednesday December 16th 1874. It was a rainy bad day. They took me to school and came after me. I had a letter from home in which all the boys sent a line. I wrote to Mother today.
234th Saturday December 12th 1874 A very pleasant day. I did a little mending and changed my dress before noon, early in the afternoon Jennie and I went down town. We ran around town about an hour, and were down to the depot to see about an express package for her. We then went down to Etts. I went on over to Mrs Beechers and made a call. I got a letter from Mother & Lee, Lizzie Lindley, and from Owen. I enjoyed the afternoon very much indeed. In fact Jen and I were both so glad we went down town. Sunday December 13th 1874. A rainy disagreeable day. No one went to church but Uncle. I wrote to Lee, Charlie and to Owen. I read some and went to bed early. Monday December 14th 1874. To school today. In the evening did not do much of anything. Jennie washed today. Tuesday December 15th 1874. To school today when I got home I did my share of the ironing I got a letter from Rob. Did not work any in the evening. Wednesday December 16th 1874. It was a rainy bad day. They took me to school and came after me. I had a letter from home in which all the boys sent a line. I wrote to Mother today.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries