English recipe and housebook, 1689-1732
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an excellent pease soop boul a quart of good with pes in 4 quarts of watter very fast to boll when tha boll well ron them threw a collendr and pick out the hold and brus the polk well and put it in agane then set them one the fire agane and put to them a pint of strong broth a pint of wit wine som solt a pound of fat bakin cut in small dyce force met balls som suet balls this will then put in som grated bred and stor it up with a lettell butter then dish it up with mutton stakes fryd brown and garish your desh with solt and [barbers?] to save it in To coler a pes of bef take a flank of befe and lay it in solt and watter a day then take of the inner [cens?] and rob it well with 2 ounceis of saltpeter sesen it well with peper salt clovs mase and not meg some swet erbs dryed to pouder then rond it hup hard in a close cloth and ty it fast both ends of it then bind it clos and hard with brod tape then set it in a long pot depe for it then fill your pot with watter put in som peper salt clovs masE swet erbs 4 onyens cover your pot and bak it with 6 peny bred then tak it out and hang it over your pot to drop but unbind it agan for it will be lose then let it han to drop till it is cold then unbind it and take it out and take of the fat of your pot and torn out the cler lecker from the bottom then put in your bef to your cler licker and cover it to kep it
an excellent pease soop boul a quart of good with pes in 4 quarts of watter very fast to boll when tha boll well ron them threw a collendr and pick out the hold and brus the polk well and put it in agane then set them one the fire agane and put to them a pint of strong broth a pint of wit wine som solt a pound of fat bakin cut in small dyce force met balls som suet balls this will then put in som grated bred and stor it up with a lettell butter then dish it up with mutton stakes fryd brown and garish your desh with solt and [barbers?] to save it in To coler a pes of bef take a flank of befe and lay it in solt and watter a day then take of the inner [cens?] and rob it well with 2 ounceis of saltpeter sesen it well with peper salt clovs mase and not meg some swet erbs dryed to pouder then rond it hup hard in a close cloth and ty it fast both ends of it then bind it clos and hard with brod tape then set it in a long pot depe for it then fill your pot with watter put in som peper salt clovs masE swet erbs 4 onyens cover your pot and bak it with 6 peny bred then tak it out and hang it over your pot to drop but unbind it agan for it will be lose then let it han to drop till it is cold then unbind it and take it out and take of the fat of your pot and torn out the cler lecker from the bottom then put in your bef to your cler licker and cover it to kep it
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks