English cookbook, 1700
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Pickle Mushrooms 19 When your mushrooms are wash'd, put them in a silver tankard or sauce-pan with half a handful of salt, cover & let them boyl in their own liquor, then strain them off. after boiling, two or three minutes, put them on a cloth to dry, make your pickle two parts vinegar & one white wine. boyl in your pickle a little maize & cloves, when your mushrooms are cold, put them in your glasses with some sliced Nutmeg, when your pickle is cold, take out the maize & put to your mushrooms, but not the cloves, then pour your pickle on them and cover then wth oyl. Mrs Phillot Dry Apricots Take your apricots, pare and stone them, and lay them in your preserving Pan in a single row, strew some fine sugar powder'd on them, let them stand all night, and in the morning let them just boyl up in their syrup, when they are cold put them on bottoms of sieves to drain, strew some fine sugar on glass salvers, & lay your apricots on singly, then sift a little sugar on them and putt them to dry, if you dry two halves together, crack the stone, take out the kernel & put between. Mrs Phillot
Pickle Mushrooms 19 When your mushrooms are wash'd, put them in a silver tankard or sauce-pan with half a handful of salt, cover & let them boyl in their own liquor, then strain them off. after boiling, two or three minutes, put them on a cloth to dry, make your pickle two parts vinegar & one white wine. boyl in your pickle a little maize & cloves, when your mushrooms are cold, put them in your glasses with some sliced Nutmeg, when your pickle is cold, take out the maize & put to your mushrooms, but not the cloves, then pour your pickle on them and cover then wth oyl. Mrs Phillot Dry Apricots Take your apricots, pare and stone them, and lay them in your preserving Pan in a single row, strew some fine sugar powder'd on them, let them stand all night, and in the morning let them just boyl up in their syrup, when they are cold put them on bottoms of sieves to drain, strew some fine sugar on glass salvers, & lay your apricots on singly, then sift a little sugar on them and putt them to dry, if you dry two halves together, crack the stone, take out the kernel & put between. Mrs Phillot
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks