William Legg Henderson journal #03, January 1 - December 31, 1863
1863-07-15 -- 1863-07-17
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Befor Jackson Miss. July, WEDNESDAY, 15, 1863. I wrote a letter to Jane our Division ordered to the line, Ousterhaus Division on the right wing of our Line. our Batteries shelled the City all last night. Very oppressive atmosphere. THURSDAY, 16. Moved to Position in front of our Lines Close to the Rebel Works. J. J. Woods Comd. Division J L Geddes Commd 3d Brigade. Tuttle is sick many musket Balls struck in our Regt. without effect. FRIDAY, 17. Jackson was evacuated last night By the Rebels. our forces marched in at 7 oclock A. M. Wrote to Jane and a letter to Father. mouved our Camp to the vicinity of Blind asylum J & V Road
Befor Jackson Miss. July, WEDNESDAY, 15, 1863. I wrote a letter to Jane our Division ordered to the line, Ousterhaus Division on the right wing of our Line. our Batteries shelled the City all last night. Very oppressive atmosphere. THURSDAY, 16. Moved to Position in front of our Lines Close to the Rebel Works. J. J. Woods Comd. Division J L Geddes Commd 3d Brigade. Tuttle is sick many musket Balls struck in our Regt. without effect. FRIDAY, 17. Jackson was evacuated last night By the Rebels. our forces marched in at 7 oclock A. M. Wrote to Jane and a letter to Father. mouved our Camp to the vicinity of Blind asylum J & V Road
Civil War Diaries and Letters