William Legg Henderson journal #03, January 1 - December 31, 1863
1863-07-27 -- 1863-07-29
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Camp on Bear Creek July, MONDAY, 27 1863. Wrote a letter to Father. Capt. Warner went to Vicksburg. Recd notise that Charles Wallace Died on Hospital Boat Crecent City July 9" of Diarohea 5 per Cent of Grants army are to be furloughed for 30 days TUESDAY, 28. Received a Letter from Jane, and one from David. I wrote to D.B.H. the Report is now that Sherman Corps are going to Natchez after a 10 days rest in our present Camp on Bear Creek WEDNESDAY, 29. Signed the Pay Rolls for May & June. Put in Requisition for Clothing. our Contrabands had a dance & sang Comi's songs Verdin played the fiddle Had a good wash in Bear Creek. Joe Baker & I [Chums?] it.
Camp on Bear Creek July, MONDAY, 27 1863. Wrote a letter to Father. Capt. Warner went to Vicksburg. Recd notise that Charles Wallace Died on Hospital Boat Crecent City July 9" of Diarohea 5 per Cent of Grants army are to be furloughed for 30 days TUESDAY, 28. Received a Letter from Jane, and one from David. I wrote to D.B.H. the Report is now that Sherman Corps are going to Natchez after a 10 days rest in our present Camp on Bear Creek WEDNESDAY, 29. Signed the Pay Rolls for May & June. Put in Requisition for Clothing. our Contrabands had a dance & sang Comi's songs Verdin played the fiddle Had a good wash in Bear Creek. Joe Baker & I [Chums?] it.
Civil War Diaries and Letters