William Legg Henderson journal #03, January 1 - December 31, 1863
1863-09-13 -- 1863-09-15
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On Missippi River September, SUNDAY, 13, 1863. The Boat Reached Helena Ark. at 1 P. M. took on Coal and suplies & started at 6 oclock P. M. I am able to Read some to day, distance from Vicksburg to Memphis 420 - to Cairo 250 MONDAY, 14. Capt Warner waked me up at 1 A. M. for a dose of quinine & another a 5 which Broke the ague for the time got to Memphis at 10 A. M. Went up Town for Transportation, got Dinner at [Geazso?] House and went on Board Belle Memphis for Cairo (Vertically over entry:-) Boat started at 8 P. M. for Cairo TUESDAY 15. We Reached Cairo at 3 oclock A. M. on the morning of the 16th. Had supper on the Boat free on Capt Warners ticket as He did not feel like eating I drew Rations at Helena, Ark.
On Missippi River September, SUNDAY, 13, 1863. The Boat Reached Helena Ark. at 1 P. M. took on Coal and suplies & started at 6 oclock P. M. I am able to Read some to day, distance from Vicksburg to Memphis 420 - to Cairo 250 MONDAY, 14. Capt Warner waked me up at 1 A. M. for a dose of quinine & another a 5 which Broke the ague for the time got to Memphis at 10 A. M. Went up Town for Transportation, got Dinner at [Geazso?] House and went on Board Belle Memphis for Cairo (Vertically over entry:-) Boat started at 8 P. M. for Cairo TUESDAY 15. We Reached Cairo at 3 oclock A. M. on the morning of the 16th. Had supper on the Boat free on Capt Warners ticket as He did not feel like eating I drew Rations at Helena, Ark.
Civil War Diaries and Letters