William Legg Henderson journal #4, January 1 - July 20 1864
Page 30 1864-01-30
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30 Memphis Tenssee January 30" 1864 Saturday I wrote a letter to G. L. Henderson and one to Father Durno in the Rooms of the Christian Commission. Went to a [Polyarma] of the Present war a very fine thing for Civilians to look at, and more pleesd to soldiers then the Reality of the present. the Hardest Cases in the Regt are spreeing it very strong in Memphis at Present
30 Memphis Tenssee January 30" 1864 Saturday I wrote a letter to G. L. Henderson and one to Father Durno in the Rooms of the Christian Commission. Went to a [Polyarma] of the Present war a very fine thing for Civilians to look at, and more pleesd to soldiers then the Reality of the present. the Hardest Cases in the Regt are spreeing it very strong in Memphis at Present
Civil War Diaries and Letters