William Legg Henderson journal #4, January 1 - July 20 1864
Page 83 1864-03-23
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83 Ill Central R. R. March 23d 1864 Wensday We Reached Dunleath at 4 oclock P. M. Crossed over to Dubuque on ferry in Heavey ice. was met by two companies of Home Gaurds & many Citizens Escorted to City Hall where a splendid supper was given us by the Ladies, & some speaches made D B Henderson Marshal on the ocasion
83 Ill Central R. R. March 23d 1864 Wensday We Reached Dunleath at 4 oclock P. M. Crossed over to Dubuque on ferry in Heavey ice. was met by two companies of Home Gaurds & many Citizens Escorted to City Hall where a splendid supper was given us by the Ladies, & some speaches made D B Henderson Marshal on the ocasion
Civil War Diaries and Letters